Meet Allie...

06/17/2020 09:12 AM Comment(s)

If you haven't had the pleasure of working with her yet, meet Allie Griffin, R&R's Marketing Manager. She is responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to assist the continued growth of the company.

Allie is working to increase R&R's social media presence across numerous platforms and has taken on the company blog, The R&Report. She also helps manage R&R's tradeshow involvement including sponsorships, marketing focus, and budgeting. In addition, Ms. Griffin contributes to our overall brand development and communication within our industry.

“Allie is an amazing addition to our team" said Cindy Habermehl, President of R&R Surface Protectors, Inc. “She brings valued experience not only in Marketing, but also in Customer Service, Management, Leadership, and Public Relations. Her perseverance, high aptitude and positive energy make her an asset to our company."

As a team player with a strong work ethic, pleasant personality and uncompromising integrity, Allie was promoted in 2019 after only a year as the Marketing Coordinator. We are lucky that she decided to join our team at R&R Surface Protectors, Inc.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou / Just one of Allie's favorite quotes, which she lives by!

In her spare time, Allie is a mom who loves experiencing new adventures with her daughter, attending family gatherings, bicycling, gardening and cooking.

Reach out to Allie and say hello!


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